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Official Forum for Esamir, a Nationstates Region.

    Office of the Calendar Commission


    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    Office of the Calendar Commission Empty Office of the Calendar Commission

    Post by Kaevi Mon May 25, 2015 5:14 am

    Office of the Calendar Commission
    Est. by Esamir Calendar Commission Improvement Resolution

    Nations and organizations may submit requests relating to the Esamir Calendar here for possible review by the Commission.

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    Office of the Calendar Commission Empty Re: Office of the Calendar Commission

    Post by Kaevi Mon May 25, 2015 5:16 am

    First Commission
    Kaevi, Eurasia, Antanares

    Office Rules and Calendar Decisions
    C.D. 1 Establishes the Esamir Holiday Calendar, uses real-life time to measure regional holidays.
    C.D. 2 Establishes the holiday known as "Day of the Great Migration" on the seventh day of August.

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    Office of the Calendar Commission Empty Re: Office of the Calendar Commission

    Post by Kaevi Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:29 am

    Second Commission
    Arveyres, Eurasia, Kaevi

    Office Rules and Calendar Decisions
    C.D. 3 Establishes the holiday known as "Map Day" on the seventh day of February.
    C.D. 4 Introduces a fourteen-month calendar, all months except one containing twenty-eight days.
    The final month shall last one day. The months shall go in this order: Nivus, Pluvus, Ventus, Germinus,
    Florus, Prairius, Solus, Messidus, Thermidus, Fructidus, Vendemius, Brumius, Frimius, Finalius.
    This change shall go into effect January 1, 2016, in non-roleplay time.
    O.R. 1 Affirms that all actions must be approved unanimously.
    C.D. 5 Establishes the following as the official calendar for the remainder of the non-roleplay year:
    September 1 through October 15 shall be the month of October in role-play time,
    October 16 through November 15 shall be the month of November in roleplay time,
    and November 16 through December 31 shall be the month of December in roleplay time.
    Affirms that the following dates shall be part of the year 2016 in roleplay time.
    C.D. 6 Establishes Figure 1 as the official time zone map as of September 20, 2015, in non-roleplay time.

    Figure 1:

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