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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    New Tarajan
    New Tarajan

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by New Tarajan Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:43 am

    New Tarajan, acting as spokesperson for the members of OMNI Enforcer, officially requests the Court of Justice to open a case against the Terran Federation for their declared violation of the treaty which established Spicita as a natural reserve, with rights upon it equally shared by OMNI and the TF.
    We are ready to provide the necessary evidences to the Prosecutor General in case of need.

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Eurasia Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:10 am

    Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion Enforcer (OMNI) v. Terran Federation

    Order of Business:

    The Court will hear the arguments from the Plaintiff first, after which the Defendant will be allowed to present their position.

    The Court does not require the Prosecutor-General to be present, as this is a civil case involving a treaty dispute between two international organizations and not between the supranational UN Government and a sovereign state.

    New Tarajan
    New Tarajan

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by New Tarajan Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:07 am

    Thank you, Your Honor.

    Hereby, we submit to the Court the following statements, made by the NZ Government, which clearly confirm our position:

    Evidence N.1

    Evidence N.2

    Also, in support of these evidences, we also submit a declaration from the Eurasian Government, which confirmed what NZ said:

    Evidence N.4

    As the Court can see from these statements, the Markovian Oil Fields where included in a Natural Reserve, under joint jurisdiction of OMNI Enforcer and the Terran Federation. Jurisdiction which has been blatantly and openly violated (unilaterally) by the Terran Federation.

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Eurasia Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:54 am

    The Court thanks OMNI for its argument. It will now hear the position of the Defendant(s).

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Eurasia Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:15 am

    The Terran Federation thanks the Court.

    We submit the following statements, made by the Eurasian Government, which show that our occupation of the area is in fact legal.

    Evidence I

    As can be seen, the Markovian reserve sits below the Arveyran colony of Gerona. As Arveyres is a superior province of the Eurasian Empire, and the reserve runs uninterrupted throughout the area, it is legally justifiable that the Terran Federation, vis-a-vis Arveyres and Eurasia, controls the Markovian reserve.

    Further, the Terran Federation would argue no treaties were violated, as the Terran Federation is operating on an oil reserve that can be considered our territory. The treaty does not govern actions taken within one's own sovereign land.

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Kaevi Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:45 pm

    As a member of the court, I would like to ask either party involved two questions.

    First, may the court receive a copy of this treaty in question or a link to the specific post that lists the treaty's provisions?

    Second, what legal provision is being used to support this treaty and land claim?
    New Tarajan
    New Tarajan

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by New Tarajan Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:02 am

    OOC: Kaevi, unfortunately, it's not possible to comply with your request. The treaty was invented by NZ, and I only kept it for RP sake. So actually it doesn't exist as a written text.

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Kaevi Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:30 am

    New Tarajan wrote:OOC: Kaevi, unfortunately, it's not possible to comply with your request. The treaty was invented by NZ, and I only kept it for RP sake. So actually it doesn't exist as a written text.

    OOC: I see, very well.

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Eurasia Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:34 pm

    The Court closes debate a verdict is forthcoming.

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    (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation Empty Re: (R(COJ)) OMNI Enforcer v. Terran Federation

    Post by Eurasia Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:42 am


    By unanimous vote, the Court finds that the defendant, the Terran Federation, is guilty of treaty violations pertaining to the discovery of natural resources and shared allocation therewith. Thus, the Court enacts the following:

    1. The Terran Federation shall vacate all lands atop the Markovian Oil Preserve not controlled by Arveyres vis-a-vis Gerona or the Kaevise island colonies.
    2. The Terran Federation shall cease all oil drilling and petroleum refinement not taking place in Arveyres vis-a-vis Gerona.
    3. The Markovian Oil Preserve is hereby declared neutral territory and no nations may set claim to it unless so approved by the United Nations Cartographer.
    4. The Terran Federation shall be responsible for the cost of removal of drilling equipment utilized during their illegal stay.

    The Court also declares that, in accordance with its previous decision, OMNI may not enact any territorial claims in the region.

    This sessions is closed.

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