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Official Forum for Esamir, a Nationstates Region.

4 posters

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution


    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Kaevi Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:31 am

    Authored by Kaevi

    DISAPPOINTED that the nation of Planita, has done very little since founding the region,
    DISMAYED that the nation of Planita has moved to another region without explanation,
    OFFENDED that the nation of Planita has left without submitting a letter of resignation,

    Be it, RESOLVED, that the nation of Planita has brought disrespect and dishonor to the United Nations of
    Esamir. Henceforth, the nation shall be ejected from the out of character administration, otherwise known as The Designer.

    NOTING that the nation of Planita shall also be dismissed from any regional officer position it holds.

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Kaevi Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:33 am

    The debate period has now begun, ending on January 24, 2016, at 00:00 UTC.
    The author may petition to the Secretary-General to end the debate period.
    Votes will not be counted during this time.
    UK of Zackalantis
    UK of Zackalantis
    Common State
    Common State

    Posts : 426
    Join date : 2014-08-03
    Age : 27
    Location : Hobart, Australia

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by UK of Zackalantis Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:40 pm

    Can we first ask Planita for the reason of leaving the region?

    We need to be sure that it wasn't hacked or anything

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Kaevi Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:39 am

    Zackalantis wrote:Can we first ask Planita for the reason of leaving the region?

    We need to be sure that it wasn't hacked or anything

    I telegrammed Planita and he responded, so no, he wasn't hacked.
    He knows he left the region and his priorities now lie elsewhere, so we must now find someone else whose priorities lie in Esamir.

    Posts : 146
    Join date : 2014-08-05
    Age : 30
    Location : Göteborg, Sweden

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Duresia Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:58 am

    Well, we don't really need more than 4 founders, and as the name 'founder' says, it's a person that founded the region so I don't think we should fill his place with someone else.

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Kaevi Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:21 am

    Duresia wrote:Well, we don't really need more than 4 founders, and as the name 'founder' says, it's a person that founded the region so I don't think we should fill his place with someone else.

    Most of us here are "founders" of the region. Most have worked hard to make new lives here and have been here since founding.
    The title "founder" is not merely symbolic, those with access to The Designer also serve to administrate the region, something I am afraid Planita has failed to do. Let me explain.

    • By moving a super majority of his nations from the region, Planita has weakened our power to attract new nations by making Esamir place lower in the NS list of regions.
    • Planita is far more active in his new regions than Esamir. If Esamir were to be invaded, the RMB spammed, and nations harrassed, the likelihood Planita would do anything is slim to none.

    We need an administration whose primary goal is to advance the region. An administrator who rarely, if ever, does anything and has moved his attention to other regions does not fit that criteria.

    Posts : 146
    Join date : 2014-08-05
    Age : 30
    Location : Göteborg, Sweden

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Duresia Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:57 am

    I didn't mean that I don't want to remove Planita, I mean that we simply don't need anyone to replace him. So I am clarifying, I am for removing Planita from the administrative position.

    Posts : 1031
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    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Eurasia Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:59 am

    Currently, whether we need to replace Planita is irrelevant. What matters is removing someone who has abandoned our region from their post.

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Voting Information

    Post by Kaevi Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:04 pm

    The author has decided to end the debate period.
    The voting period will now begin, ending on January 24, 2016, at 00:00 UTC.

    This vote will be held in a regional discussion room at the following link.

    Votes cast on this thread will not be counted.

    Posts : 335
    Join date : 2014-08-04

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Final Results

    Post by Kaevi Sun Jan 24, 2016 2:21 pm

    The voting period has ended and the results are as follows:

    FOR - 2
    AGAINST - 0

    The "Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution" has been passed by the Esamir General Assembly and reached the 4/5 majority in favor threshold.
    As the voting period took place over a regional discussion room, this resolution awaits a Writ of Assurance in order to be considered active.

    Posts : 1031
    Join date : 2014-08-03

    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

    Post by Eurasia Sun Jan 24, 2016 2:59 pm


    The Court confirms that the vote was done properly and the results are accurate.

    The nation of Planita is hereby removed from the Regional Administration.

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    (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution Empty Re: (P(I)) Planita Ejection from The Designer Resolution

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