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Official Forum for Esamir, a Nationstates Region.

New Tarajan
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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')


    Posts : 6
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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Tectonix Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:38 pm

    Distinguished members of the Esamir General Assembly, I hereby present the following Resolution for your consideration.


    Topic: "Submitting the Region of Esamir as a Signatory to the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism, or CAIN"

    The General Assembly,

    Reminding all nations of Esamir of the region's anti-fascist stance,

    Reaffirming its commitment to stamping out the barbaric and disgusting ideology known as 'Nazism,'

    Noting that Esamir's World Assembly Entry clearly states that it desires 'player freedom,' which is a concept not shared by followers of Nazism,

    Stressing the fact that Esamir is fully capable and equipped to combat these dangerous miscreants across the globe,

    Hereby requests all nations of the Region of Esamir to vote in favor of joining CAIN and all that entails, so as to join a larger entity dedicated to eradicating this plague upon all nations and assure a world without falling to the deadly clutches of Nazism and whatever dictator it should bring.

    This Resolution is honourably presented by Tectonix for consideration by the United Nations General Assembly.


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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Arveyres Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:20 am

    We thank the delegate from Tectonix for proposing this to the Assembly.

    After facing the atrocities of the Great War, whose belligerents promulgated worldwide invasions based on the tactic of racial-based conquering and subjugating, we give our support to the Government of Esamir to become a signatory of the CAIN.
    New Tarajan
    New Tarajan

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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by New Tarajan Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:04 am

    We thank the delegation from Tectonix, and we gladly give our full support to this resolution as well.

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    Join date : 2016-12-16

    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Tectonix Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:19 am

    Wonderful. With no visible opposition, I hereby move to call the previous question.

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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Eurasia Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:51 am

    Per the Esamir Housekeeping Resolution, the Chief Justice will act as Chair Pro Tempore.

    The voting period has now begun, ending on January 20th, 2017, at 00:00 UTC.
    Nations may submit a vote in favor, against, or abstention.
    Votes of abstention will be counted as votes of abstention.

    Last edited by Eurasia on Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Eurasia Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:51 am


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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Tectonix Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:36 am


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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Arveyres Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:06 am


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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Duresia Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:28 am


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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Aloia Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:14 am

    New Tarajan
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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by New Tarajan Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:28 am

    UK of Zackalantis
    UK of Zackalantis
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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by UK of Zackalantis Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:55 am


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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Tectonix Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:41 pm

    Seeing as the voting period has concluded and the opposing side has not made any arguments for their opposition, I move to suspend the rules and fully adopt the resolution.

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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Eurasia Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:29 am

    Voting closed.

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    Age : 30
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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

    Post by Duresia Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:03 am

    Tectonix wrote:Seeing as the voting period has concluded and the opposing side has not made any arguments for their opposition, I move to suspend the rules and fully adopt the resolution.

    On what grounds? The opposing side doesn't need any arguments for the motion to pass/not pass, arguments are for convincing, not for passing the resolution. My argument is ''No'', and ''No'' is enough.

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    Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.') Empty Re: Resolution to Submit Esamir as a Signatory of CAIN (Nicknamed 'The SESC Resolution.')

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